Saturday, February 8, 2014

Surprise Weekend

My friend Jessie and I have switched from getting together for Thursday night dinners to Saturday late morning brunch, since she's taking a ballet class here in Pasadena on Saturday mornings. She drops by around 11 and then we hit Andy's Coffee Shop on Colorado, which was a regular Saturday morning haunt for me and Steve. 

The woman who runs the place was really happy to see me again when Jessie and I stopped in last week. I had been there a couple of times with Kittie and Dave when they visited, so guess how she'll feel when I come in today with all three in tow.

Yes, I got a call around 6:30 Friday evening from Kittie. She said the party they had planned to go to on Sunday was canceled, and Kittie didn't have to work overtime on the weekend, so they were going to "hop into the car" and come down to visit. Yay! Vacuum, mop, empty the dishwasher, take out the trash.

They got here just before 11 p.m., we hung out for a while and futzed with the iPhones I gave them (an iPhone 2 and an iPhone 4, both having belonged to Steve), and hooked them up for WiFi here at my house.

They're sleeping downstairs and I'm preparing to hit the sack, as well. I'll post something at the end of the weekend, with pictures if I remember to take them. This is the kind of surprise I can enjoy.

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