Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Walk Between the Raindrops

It has been wet this week. Starting last Friday: Rain, rain, rain. Amazingly, none of it fell during my commute to the Miracle Mile from Pasadena. I am so lucky. But it has also been cold. Well, not cold like in Wisconsin cold or in New York cold...

All right, it hasn't been cold. It's been chilly, not getting out of the 50s during the day and dropping into the upper 30s during the night. But for people who are used to every day being in the 70s and 80s, this is cold. It doesn't seem to phase the little rock man on the patio: He's still grinning and his empty glass eyes follow you around wherever you go. He is endearing, in a creepy sort of way.

We took the Christmas tree down last Saturday, which is always much quicker than putting it up. The other decorations almost jumped into the storage boxes by themselves. Afterward, we went out to a pre-wedding dinner (not the rehearsal one, since we're not in the wedding party) at Yamishura, which is a great Japanese restaurant up on the hill above the Magic Castle in Hollywood. A very enjoyable evening, if a little on the pricey side.

This upcoming Saturday (the 12th) is our anniversary (2nd), which is the official, the-state-certified-our-domestic-partnership anniversary (no presents, please). Other than going out to dinner, I don't think we have anything planned.

The Saturday after that is Ed and Vicki's wedding, which should be a lot of fun. (They don't want presents, either).

Beyond that, things are going well. The WGA strike, the cancellation of the Golden Globe Awards and all the attendant parties has had a real impact on work at the Reporter, but we persevere. Another entry will inevitably follow here.


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Here's a test comment.

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Here's test comment2.

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