It's about time for another addition to the blog page, even though a hell of a lot hasn't happened in the last week. And, because I believe no blog entry should be without pictures, I include this one that I really like of me and Baby, cousin Sandy's cockatoo. She totally fell in love with me when I visited a few years ago, and spent most of the time clinging to me adoringly. She's kind of a needy bird (or was back then) as you can see that she plucked all her feathers out. This, in birds, is a sign of neurosis. I suggested birdy couples therapy to Sandy, noting that her name (Baby) might be holding back her spiritual maturation (the bird's, not Sandy's). Hopefully, things have improved in their relationship.

Cousin Robin is back in New York and drops e-mails to me once a week or so about auditions and conditions in general in the Big Apple.(I checked my computer for "Robin" images but this was all I found. You can find lots at
www.robinriker.com; maybe I'll steal some from there, if she's amenable.) I'm very jealous of her East Coast adventure, but she keeps saying how much she misses Evan (her hubby), I know I'd miss Steve if I was gone for a long period of time. Still, to be able to stroll around New York while pursuing your craft, that's a nice thing, even with the cold weather.
In fact, when I was in New York for the Baby picture above, Steve and I had just started dating, and I used to go into Central Park, lie on the grass and call him on my cell phone. He, in turn, seemed to always call whenever I was in a restaurant with people, just getting ready to order dinner. When you're courting, though, that kind of thing doesn't matter. Now I'd say, "I'll call you back later."

So I wasn't lying: There isn't a hell of a lot going on. But I did have to leave you with one last image. This is a favorite of mine. Now that all the big corporations are going over to flatscreen monitors, all those clunky old CRT models are piling up. Here's a photo of what one clever IT department decided to do with them. Who says hardware can't be creative?
One last note: Cousin Rick and his wife Candy are coming out to visit the moms at the end of the month, and I'm planning on taking some time off and getting in on the visit, since I haven't seen them in a couple years. I'm really looking forward to that. (I don't have any pictures of them on my computer either. I will have to remedy that.) I'll be by myself, since Steve's in a new job this year and not eligible for vacation until August. Three or four days apart. I think we can handle.
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