Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Turn

I wanted to put some of my thoughts about our wedding down on "paper" also. This past week has shown me that I should never sell life short. I have had the most amazing experience of my life. Since I met Mark I have not only found the love of my life, but a new family and support system as well. Ever since I first met Mark's family, I have been accepted, loved and been included in their lives. Since we have been together there have been mostly good times with a couple of not-so-good times thrown in for seasoning (see posts on my last job.)

This past week has been the highlight (so far) of my journey with Mark. Today I feel truly at peace. Friday I married the man of my dreams.........that's right...MARRIED. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever get married. Today I am. I am looking forward to a life of happiness with the Love of my life (I'm sure there will be some downs also....I'm not completely deluded) but know that whatever comes along we will be able to face events together. I still have a little trouble realizing that we are a team. Mark reminds me occasionally that I am still thinking "single". He is absolutely correct. I spent do much of my life doing for myself that after three years together I still fall back into old habits once in a while. I guess growth is part of the journey.

Our wedding on Friday changed my whole perception of what being together is all about. At the dinner/reception we had last night I commented to Mark's cousin, Robin, that even though we had the Registered Domestic Partnership thing going on, it still felt like Marriage-Lite. Now I feel completely joined with Mark and his life. I signed up with a great organization that is working to maintain the right to same-sex marriage. It is called

If you get a chance, check it out.

I guess I had better get back to doing laundry, but I wanted to post my happiness, as well as my hope for a bright future for all of us.

The picture I am attaching pretty well sums up how I feel today.

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