The most recent is the passing of my Aunt Kit. She had been ill for quite some time and knew her disease was terminal, but she kept going until the very end, no matter how weak or tired she was. She will be missed by more people than she probably realized. And while I am glad that she is through her suffering, I am angry at the sickness that took her from me and I reach back in my mind to try to find another day of note; that perfect time when I enjoyed and appreciated her most.
As a kid, I knew her only by reference. She and my mother had been close as kids. When they grew up and each married, they went their separate ways. My father had no qualms about expressing his dislike of Kit and her "irresponsible" ways, dragging her kids around the country from one regional theater to another, never settling down. To me, though, she sounded like an adventurer, my very own Auntie Mame.

When I called Kit, I was immediately invited for the holiday festivities. She took me in and gave me more booze than I have ever consumed before or since. She cooked a lovely goose for Christmas dinner, amazed at the amount of fat she was syphoning off the thing. She took me to a Boxing Day party where I hooked up with some shady theater folk. When I ended up stranded after spending the night in a bizarre Victorian house (another story altogether), she drove into town to retrieve me. She took me to the world premiere production of William Gibson's "The Butterfingers Angel..." at Syracuse Stage, and I wrote "Another Little Christmas Story" for her, which I have inflicted upon the entire family each Christmas since. This photo of Kit, me, my mom Paula, and their stepmother Lilian is from around that time. Although very human, Aunt Kit was magical in my eyes.
When she retired and moved out to California, I shared an apartment with her for a short time after I broke up with Dave Mann (also another story altogether). We lived on Hyperion Avenue in the Silver Lake District of Los Angeles. While she tried breaking into commercial acting, she tended bar at the neighborhood gay bar, the Toy Tiger: I was an instant celebrity there simply by being Kit's nephew.

I got to direct her in "Steel Magnolias," (although I didn't give her the part she wanted) and it was a delight. She got to direct me in "The Fantasticks," (although I took the part because it was abandoned two weeks before opening night, not because I was cast). Just this May we had a reading of "Arsenic and Old Lace" with the moms playing the roles of the sisters. Most of us involved agree it was awful, but we all loved doing it and had a great time: It was one last connection before Kit left us, and I'm so glad we took the time.
I drove up to visit just two weeks ago, so I don't feel so bad about being absent now. While I was there, she would constantly forget her walker when she went from the living room to her bedroom or vice versa. Was it on purpose? You never knew with Kit. All her life, she kept everyone guessing. She was a bold spirit who carved out an amazing life. She had her share of days of note, as well. I'm glad I got to share some of them with her.
* * * * * * * * * *

Fritz Perls, father of gestalt therapy, once described most marriages as relationships of "intimate hostility"; hates and resentments built up over time and intensely shared between only two people. I think that happens because people take marriage for granted and one another, as well.
We are all of us precious, and our loves and marriages even more so. When we lose track of that, we lose track of why we value life so dearly. When status and position and possessions eclipse being alive and loving, things fall apart and life gets cheap and loses meaning.
Here in a time of shitty news and things falling apart, it's easy to despair. But no matter how bad things are (like being unemployed or scraping through the months financially), compared to all the humans on the planet, our lives are truly blessed. If you've lost your perspective of that, it's time to make a fresh assessment and see your life for what it is and focus once again on what you'd truly like it to be. Because, most likely, you're doing a fabulous job.
I just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to this also. I only knew Kit for a few years, but she, as well as the entire family, welcomed me into the fold when Mark and I first met. I was treated like family from the first day I visited 'Hag Harbor' (including household chores). I, too, have fond memories of Kit. Her sense of humor and warmth was infectious.
As to our 1 year anniversary: I never dreamed that one day I would find someone that I really loved, let alone get MARRIED! My life has changed over the last 4 years....for the better. I am so grateful that you are in my life, Mark. I love you.
How wonderful to see the woman I love so much through your eyes. Eyes that saw her so clearly and lovingly. I had forgotten the story of that Christmas (although I think I have a copy of your "Christmas story" somewhere) and she always seemed like such and adventuress to me as well. That a woman in the early sixties would decide she could better raise 3 kids, one of whom was an infant, and put herself through a master degree ALONE was always amazing to me. And to do all that with good humor, love and wit, wow. She made us laugh and continually surprised us until the moment she died. And let's talk for a moment about AFTER she died. Mom had not been physically out of the house for more than 5 minutes, when suddenly we heard the squealing of brakes and the crashing of cars, peoples' voices raised in anger and fear, more squealing and cashing and then,as we look out the door, headlights flashing by at a high rate of speed.
We stepped outside to find that a truck had crashed into and THROUGH the house right next door! NOTHING out of the ordinary EVER happens on that street but only a few moments after Kit makes her exit, bang!! There's a major production! It was only a few feet from the moms' house and fortunately, it had been unoccupied or someone would have been seriously injured if not killed. One of the neighbors took off in hot pursuit and caught the guy. an 18 year old , drunk and with vicodin in the car, if not his system, and a piece of the neighbor's garage door in the bed of his truck! Sooo, no denying THAT one! Aunt Paula and I are convinced that mom intervened to keep that truck away from her people and maybe to help save that young man's as well. Mom knew a little bit about the effect alcohol can have on a young man's life. We haven't had her memorial yet, so there's no telling what else she might be up to there but right now, I am welling up with tears remembering her wonderful spirit which has influenced my life and yours, my dear cousin. Thanks for the memories!
And very happy anniversary! it was Evan's and my joy to share that day with you and Steve. Who is a damn fine addition to the clan! Love you both.
Tomorrow will be two weeks since that day. I too am a new comer to this amasing bunch of creative people. I'm sitting here astonished at the things I'm only just know discovering about Kit. The hospitality she would always show to me, usally in the form of food every time I stopped in to visit her name sake Kneese,(now my wife of 8 years). Her deep nolage of things in general (why would you know the name of Sockertea's dog?) I quickly got used to being soundly beaten at Jepordy & Wheel of Fourtune. I'm missing it already(still) and probibly will for a long time...DAV
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