Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm Not Dead Yet

It's terribly late and I just can't seem to get tired, so I decided to write something on the blog just to let everyone know I haven't abandoned it. It's just been quite a while since I felt like sitting down and writing.

The big news this week, of course was the unveiling of the iPad. Wow. Can anyone say "Newton?" (Remember 1993 when it came out? Apple's PDA, which bombed. To be fair, Jobs was nowhere near Apple when that occurred.)

Now, I'm an Apple fan, but not a fanatic. Working in graphics I kind of ended up on Macs by default, and when the iPhone came out, it seemed like a perfect solution to my commuting and communication needs (which was true). Although I haven't actually seen an iPad in person or played around with it at the Apple Store ... gosh, it doesn't seem like it's anything as revolutionary as they're touting it to be. Friend Frank Wilson put this picture up on Facebook, and I think it sums things up nicely.

January at school has been Flash and Dreamweaver classes and coding, coding, coding. I'm trying to learn HTML, CSS, ActionScript and a little JavaScript all at the same time. Moving from one to the other is a little daunting, but I've just got to wade through it until comprehension bursts through. My unemployment claim has been used up, and I'm waiting for them to OK my first extension, which should be a no-brainer since I'm in approved training. Still, it's always a little unnerving when the income stream dries up. I mean, I just went through this a month ago, and it took seven weeks to get things cleared up (as I'm sure all readers of this blog remember quite clearly, since I bitched about it until the cows came home ... HAVE the cows come home?

So you see, nothing of importance to report. Steve's fine, getting new glasses tomorrow. Pure excitement!

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