Lots of stuff going on but nothing of great importance. I had a meeting with the job placement specialist at school yesterday, and she seemed to think things were looking up. At one point, she asked me, "Would you be willing to take a job in publication again?" I really had to think about that one. I've come to think of publishing as a quickly sinking ship, and I don't want to go through the experience of getting good at a job and liking it and then having my head served up to me on a platter once again.

On the school front, I only have two class days left, and my contract at New Horizons ends on May 7. I've been studying with my Classroom in a Book texts from Adobe, and am almost through the Flash book. I'm glad I got these, as there are lots of things in these books that weren't even touched on in the New Horizon texts, lectures or labs. I figure I'll be through most of the books by the end of May, and will meet the anniversary of my termination date at the Reporter (June 3) retrained and ready for the job market once more.
Still no firm date on when the fumigation of the condo complex is going to take place. Until we have that set, we really can't plan on anything vacationwise. It's odd, but I'm hoping I don't get a job until we have a chance to take a week off. It's been so long since we had a vacation together, and after last year, we can both really use it.
Tomorrow is more studying. I'm hoping to get through the Flash book by the end of the week. Also, I have to bake cookies for the Dreamweaver class on Friday, since the teacher, Ron, was singing their praises to the class. (He said he thought I'd bought them somewhere because they were so perfect.)
Nothing much more to report. The days have been warm but on the cool side. There's a storm coming in next Tuesday, they're forecasting. I'll be finished with my classes by then. It seems like just last week it was November and I was starting classes in earnest. Now I'm looking forward to getting into a work environment with all this new knowledge and putting it to practical use.
Hope everyone's well and happy. I can see this is true for my Facebook folk; the rest of you, I have to rely on your e-mails or letters or comments here on the blog (hint-hint).
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