It's been a while again since I made an entry here. Mostly because not much has been going on of note. There are a few things to mention, so I thought I'd jot them down before they went out of my head.
We went to see cousin Robin's latest play, "Cannibals," at the Zephyr Theater on Melrose in Hollywood. It was a funny show, all about struggling actresses "of a certain age" working in Hollywood. Robin's performance was absolutely stellar and she was funny as hell. I'm not just saying that because I know she'll read this at some point. She really was great. She played a celebrity bitch movie star and it was brilliant. The state is really her medium (though she's great on screens big and small).
I've got a phone interview with the unemployment people tomorrow morning. Seems they're suspicious about why I stopped going to school. So I have to tell them it's because I finished my contracted period (which I told them when I started) and didn't want to lie on my form and say I was unavailable for work. We shall hash out reality and their forms and come to some kind of a compromise, I'm sure.
Another bit of news about tomorrow is I actually have an interview for a job. It's in the afternoon at a place called Castle Press. The job is only part-time (but may lead to full time) and I'd be making about 60% of what I was making at the Reporter, but it would be an income of sorts and a reason to get up in the morning. I'm kind of on the fence about it before going into the interview, so they'll have to sell me as much as I'll have to sell them.
Third bit of news is that Pearce Plastics, where Steve works, wants to redesign their website, and I had a meeting with them last Friday about it. It looks fairly straightforward, and the details might need to be worked out, but I think it's totally within my realm (i.e., no big databases or dynamic page content). I've been playing around with some design concepts, and should be getting back to them by the end of the week with a budget and a site layout scheme. Woody, the owner, is a member of Rotary, so maybe I'll talk him up and see if he can spread the good word about me to other small business folks. Perhaps a web design business on the side and a part-time gig at Castle Press would be a nice combination.
Nine days until we leave for Eureka, and I'm really looking forward to getting out of the big city and enjoying fresh air, beaches, forests, small-town pace, etc., etc. It's getting that time of year here in Southern California when the green starts disappearing on the hills and everything turns brown and dead. That's when I start my clock and wait for the rainy season to come in six months or so. It will be nice to be surrounded by green by default.
Also, my thoughts and prayers are with my niece Amanda, who seems to be having problems in her final trimester. They were going to induce labor this week but are holding off until the baby's lungs develop a little bit more. Everybody send her your prayers, if you're not already.
That's about it. Time to head to bed.
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