Not much going on in my neck of the woods right now, or I'd be leading with something a little more egocentric and exciting.

I'm still waiting for McGraw-Hill to call back. I'm assuming that we're waiting on the big honcho lady from the New York office to make her appearance for the final interviews. All I know is that I am having to practice my skills of patience and diversion, waiting to see what happens with this job.
I've been working on the website for Pearce Plastics, and am at a point where I need to show them what I've put together and get some answers about how to display the rest of the site. Also, someone over there is going to have to write copy for all these pages. It's an ongoing process.
We've got fumigation coming up this month. That and the flooring installation is guaranteed to disrupt our daily routine to the point of distraction. Maybe that's a good thing.
I'm waiting for cousin Robin's web domain name to transfer over to my host server (this can take 10 days), so that I can put her reel page online for all the world to see. I shall let all know when it is up and available.
Nothing more to report. I salivate, looking at the iPhone4, but it's going to be a month or so before one can actually walk into the store and purchase one without being on a waiting list, and I refuse to be one of the pressing frenzy eager to be on the cutting edge. Once the maddness has subsided, I shall make the purchase.
Hope this finds everyone well and happy. If not, work on it and ask for help when it gets to be too much. That's what I try to do (though I'm not always successful).
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