Friday, December 10, 2010

I Want to Make My Dirty Clean

Firesign Theater fans will recognize the title as a line from "High School Madness." Today it refers to the fact that I spent yesterday not only doing all the laundry but also emptying the dishwasher and cleaning my desk (well, starting to clean it, anyway).

Today's Christmas cartoon is called "Toyland Premiere" and is one of those studio cartoons that caricaturizes Hollywood stars (although it also seems to be alluding to the Macy's parade with the balloons, and it all takes place in a department store). It's "controversial" because the elves are called "dwarves" in the lyrics, and there's an Al Jolson caricature in blackface. Also, there is a small cut made at the end: Santa blows out the candles on the cake, the cake splatters on Laurel and Hardy's faces to make them look like they're in blackface (that bit's cut), then it cuts to Santa laughing.

Tonight we have a party in Toluca Lake. It's hosted by a couple who used to work at the Reporter with me. There are going to be a lot of old faces (some still working at the Reporter, some who have moved on, some still unemployed), so it will be nice to catch up on where people are in their lives and careers, and garner all the juicy details about the Reporter since it has gone glam mag.

Hell, maybe I'll get out and do some shopping beforehand. You never know.

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