Sunday, April 13, 2008

Just to Fill the Hole

A quickie blog entry with, alas, no pictures (as I haven't taken any except a blurry shot of the entry to the Alex Theater). But it will keep you up to date on our lives.

Friday before last (the 4th) Steve and I joined friends to take in the L.A. Gay Men's Chorus' latest offering. It was good to OK, but the theme of the performance (Only in America) was sort of an excuse to stitch together show tunes from over the last century. Some of them were very good. They staged the opening production number from "Ragtime" with full costumes and props, and it was really good (even though I've never seen the actual show).

This last week, Steve was busy at work, as the company had gotten a visit from the Fire Marshall, and there were several things that had to be done to bring the place up to code. (Nothing immense or dangerous but it needed taking care of). I myself weathered a corporate cutback from Nielsen (the parent company of The Hollywood Reporter). While yours truly came through it fine, there were nine people on staff that aren't anymore. It's always a high-stress situation, even if you're not the one axed.

This weekend we finally repotted the plants that we bought the pots for a couple weeks ago (see previous entry, "Little Things") and plan to have a burgeoning biomass on the patio in just a few weeks. The last couple days have been very hot, with temperatures in the mid-90s, but the weatherman says things will cool back down into the 60s and 70s later in the week, going back to a lovely springtime pleasantness. It's always bizarre when the weather twists around like this without a chance to ease into the new pattern.

The moms are up in Calistoga doing the spa thing. Cousin Robin Riker is back in New York. It makes me feel almost provincial just sitting here in Pasadena.

That's it. I'll keep this ugly gray block of type to a minimum. Pictures next time; I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was fun. Who is this? It's the Steve mentioned in all (most) of
Mark's postings. You've heard about him, you've read about you can meet him!

I have not figured how to post my own blogs to this site, but I will keep trying.
