Friday, May 2, 2008

21st Century Communications

Once again I find it impossible to sign on to my blog site from my home computer, and I have been soooo busy at work that I don't have the few extra minutes to log something. This leaves me with my iPhone, upon which I am punching out this entry, short though it may be.

The relaunch went well. The first issue came out on Monday, April 28, and was well received. I have spent the week churning out charts, graphs and graphics to meet the new, more visual design. It can only get easier as we get used to the new production process.

Well, my finger is starting to experience poke fatigue, so I shall sign off. Perhaps this Sunday I can make another entry and address my brother Stephen' a criticism that this blog lacks real content.

As a final feat, I shall attempt to import a picture from the iPhone into the blog. If you don' t see one, it didn't work.

It didn't work.

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