Friday, January 25, 2008

Lazy Weekend Charperson

Friday is my first day off on the weekend, since I work on Sundays (to put out Monday's paper). It's been raining for the past couple days, and today is wet and cloudy with rain off and on. We had an amazing rainbow over Hollywood which we could see out of the office windows on Thursday. (That picture is NOT doctored; that's really how it looked.) Maybe it's a sign that the WGA finally will settle their strike. Rock man (we have not given him a name yet, though I think Steve suggested Beuford) is now squeaky clean, wearing that same stupid smile.

Speaking of clean, I'm doing the laundry...all of it...lots of it today, rather than just sitting around vegging. OK, I'm sitting around vegging between putting loads in the washer and dryer. My goal is to have everything washed before Steve gets home from work, and to have sat around doing nothing at the same time. Also, I'm writing this, and putting something on this blog can take FOREVER, since often it takes several minutes just to open an edit window, or five to ten minutes to upload each picture. Then I get to goof around with the HTML coding to get the photos in the right place

Nothing much has been going on, at least nothing I can think of. The Oscar nominations came out on Tuesday, which meant a crazy day of putting together the 12-page noms package along with the regular news pages. By the time we left on Tuesday, we had put out 36 pages (well, 72, actually, since we put out 36 for New York and repurposed them as another 36 pages for L.A.) Add to that the extra pages we've been doing for the Sundance Film Festival coverage, and it's been a busy week at work. The NATPE (National Association of Television Production Executives) conference is coming up in Las Vegas next week, and the Berlin Film Festival is just around the corner and, before you know it, the Academy Awards will be upon us in late February. Oh yeah; and there's a Super Bowl in there somewhere.

In one of the few comments on this blog site (people need to leave more comments so I know you're actually reading this), my sister complained that I had pictures of her husband Dave on here and even Rock man (I mean, Beuford), but none of her. So here we go. This is a picture of my sister Kittie, for those of you who don't know her. She's really sweet and often pushy. She once gave me a coffee mug (which I cherish) that says: "Brother, you were always there to pick me up when I fell down (of course, you were the one who pushed me)." We have a very healthy relationship.

Enough for now. Remember to leave a comment (just click "nickname" and enter your name, fill in the comment box and that's it).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's that proverbial "squeky wheel getting the grease". Thanks for the picture but does it look, from that angle, like I'm related to Beuord??? God, I'm getting so touchy in my old age. THANK YOU so much for this blog, it really is great to be able to stay in touch with you and i get to be pretty passive on my end of the whole thing. You sent an email to our home but we don't check it that often since i't 98% spam. Would you send future Emails to Then I'll get them sooner. Oh, I do see the back of my head in the California Adventure picture!!
We love you both bunches and hope to either come down and bother or have you come up and bother. Rick and Cabdy are due sometime in Feb - will you possibly come up then?
Lil Sis