Monday, July 20, 2009

Eggs on the Sidewalk

Damn, it's hot! Damn-damn. Damn hot.

It's 104 on the patio. I held off until 1 o'clock before starting up the air conditioning. I can just hear the money slipping away into the pockets of the Pasadena Department of Water and Power, but I'm feeling comfortable again.

But I shall be escaping this heat for the cooler climes of Arroyo Grande. Yes, I shall be going up to visit the moms and lul sis Kittie and her other half David. (I'd say better half, but when you do that you tend to piss off somebody or start a "no, you're the better half" cutesie argument that can become absolutely revolting in short order.

Steve's doing fine. I know he'll miss me when I'm gone, and I'll miss him, too, but I just have to get out of the house and do something different. The forecasts of mid-70s highs on the Central Coast were really the determining factor. And it's been a while since I was up visiting.

So if you don't hear anything on this page for a while, you know why. I'll try to remember and take lots of pictures so I can provide an in-depth and interesting entry when I return.

For the record, I'll be getting up to Arroyo Grande around 3 p.m. on Tuesday and returning here to Pasadena about the same time on Friday.

Until then, stay cool!

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