Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aching for the Holidays

Today's short: "Here Comes Suzy Snowflake." Rosemary Clooney popularized this 1951 song with a much spritlier version than the one heard here. This film's creators were also responsible for tomorrow's vid, "Hardrock, Coco and Joe" (more gang names), both created for broadcast on WGN in Chicago.

I woke up yesterday morning feeling achy and sore and didn't get any better, so I called and canceled my last day at job search boot camp. I made myself a sandwich and went back to bed and slept the rest of the day. Taking an ibuprofen improved things a little, and I'm not feeling too lousy. Since I write these blogs around midnight, I can report that I'm feeling better and hope to be back on my feet today.

Got to put together my to-do list. Believe it or not, I haven't even started my Christmas shopping, and there's only eight days left (we open packages on Christmas Eve). The list will be short this year, but it needs to get done, nonetheless. Also on the list, getting my car smogged and paying the registration. A tip: Never buy a car in January. It really screws up the holidays with the annual paperwork. What a festive bit of advice upon which to end.

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