Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here Comes Stepford Santa

From 1963, this short must have been a tax write-off. It's kind of a poem but not. It's obviously shot in somebody's living room and a department store somewhere, and there is no talent or even enthusiasm involved, but lots of stock footage of Santas in various promotional situations.

There's also lots of female brainwashing involved when it comes to the scenes in the "toy warehouse." My favorite line: "...she'll cook and scrub the whole day long, then serve a TV dinner."

Wednesday was rain. And rain. And more rain. There was lightning and thunder and some pretty nasty mudslides in the area, some four and five feet deep. And then, just before sundown, a crack in the clouds in the west and, for a moment, a rainbow. By the time the sun had gone down, seven days of constant rain were over. The storm has moved off to the east, to wreck havoc as it moves across the continent.

Wednesday evening was cookie-baking time. Not the vast amounts I had hoped to do, but enough to make a gift and keep a dozen or so for our holidays.

Today I have one more shopping errand and then we're ready for the holiday weekend and the week off to come. It will be nice to walk in a chilly but sunny day. But it's my understanding we're not done with the rain, and some forecasts predict at least drizzle on the Rose Parade. We'll have to see.

One last cartoon scheduled for tomorrow, Christmas Eve. We will go back to the Great Depression and one of my favorite holiday animations.

If you don't get around to reading this on Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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