Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Catching Up

Our Christmas cartoon today features the Little King, whom I vaguely remember from my childhood (possibly the Sunday funnies in the paper?), but I had never seen him animated. The whole thing is kind of pointless, but any Little King who picks up two hobos on Christmas Eve and bathes and sleeps with them while the Queen is sleeping in the other room is OK with me. I also don't understand the whole thing with the soap. An interesting point, just like in the 1913 animation, Santa actually makes the tree grow, with decorations included. Enjoy.

This entry is labeled Dec. 7, although I'm actually writing it on the 8th. Our router died on the 6th and I had to make my blog entry from Steve's computer. I'm afraid I got so preoccupied with catching up on job searching and such, I failed to make a Dec. 7 entry. So here it is:

I did my job search and found one great job right here in Pasadena which was already closed by the time I made application (of course, it took 20 minutes of filling out their employment info online to find that out).

Then I cleaned the floors downstairs (trying to use up all the wet Swiffer mop heads, because I really hate them) and vacuumed the rug and slate. That was about the scope of my holiday job for the 7th.

And, of course, I remembered Pearl Harbor.

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